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  • اخر الاخبار

    الاثنين، 14 سبتمبر 2015

    Faster five countries in the Internet in the world

    Countries have very high speeds of the Internet and the fastest Internet in the world ::

    1. Hong Kong:

    Greater speed of the Internet in the world are found in Hong Kong , where the larger speed of the Internet there are 54.1 Mbps which the high-quality film takes only 4 minutes.

    2. South Korea:

    larger speed of the internet there ups to 48.8 Mbps.

    3. Romania :

    internet speed there ups to 32.5 Mbps.

    4. Ireland :

    The average speed of the Internet there are 6.8 Mbps.

    5.  Czech Republic :

    The average speed of the Internet there are 6.8 Mbps.
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